Software Defined Networking Research Topics

SDN stands for “Software- defined Networking” which is a trending research area, as it evolves with innovative topics frequently. At, our team of writers ensures the delivery of meticulously researched thesis papers that are free from errors and plagiarism. We adhere to well-established research ethics, guaranteeing timely delivery and maintaining utmost confidentiality in our work. Some of the noteworthy and promising research areas on SDN are proposed by us that accompanied with key issues and research queries:

  1. Scalable Multi-Controller Architectures
  • Explanation: For extensive-scale SDN applications, develop adaptable and effective multi-controller frameworks.
  • Main Problems:
  • The main concern is controller placement and state integration.
  • Defect tolerance and load balancing techniques.
  • Research Queries:
  • In what way can we enhance multi-controller placement to reduce response time and advance fault resilience?
  • What state synchronization algorithms are effective in extensive -scale platforms?
  1. Intent-Based Networking (IBN) in SDN
  • Explanation: To translate superior intents into minimal-level network formations, design an intent-oriented networking model.
  • Main Problems:
  • Resolution of disputes and automated intent translation.
  • Consistent intent authentication and observations are the major issues involved.
  • Research Queries:
  • How can AI methods be utilized to automate intent translation and resolve disputes?
  • What mechanisms are needed to verify consistent intent verification?
  1. Secure SDN Network Architectures
  • Explanation: In opposition to DDoS assaults, illicit access and fraudulent, protect the systems by creating secure SDN network models.
  • Main Problems:
  • Acquiring license and controller-to-switch authorization might be difficult.
  • Reduction algorithms and outlier identification.
  • Research Queries:
  • What lightweight authentication techniques can protect controller-switch communication?
  • How can machine learning enhance the identification of DDoS assaults in SDN networks?
  1. Programmable Data Plane Development with P4
  • Explanation: It specifically uses P4 programming language to design and advance the programmable data planes.
  • Main Problems:
  • Synthesization of P4 Runtime and SDN controllers could be complex.
  • There is a necessity for effective packet processing pipelines.
  • Research Queries:
  • How superior abstractions can clarify the P4 programming?
  • What are the problems involved in executing multi-target P4 programs?
  1. Energy-Efficient SDN Networks
  • Explanation: Without impairing the performance, this research enhances the energy usage by modeling SDN networks.
  • Main Problems:
  • In switches and controllers, it requires efficient power management.
  • Energy-optimized traffic engineering.
  • Research Queries:
  • How can traffic engineering techniques be developed to decrease energy usage?
  • What jobs can software-defined power management enacts in SDN switches?
  1. SDN-Based Network Slicing for 5G Networks
  • Explanation: For 5G networks, use SDN to design a network slicing model.
  • Main Problems:
  • Efficient slice regeneration and container-based computing are very essential.
  • Practical slice monitoring and management.
  • Research Queries:
  • How can resource isolation among network slices be examined?
  • What effective slice reconfiguration techniques can enhance network capability?
  1. Cross-Layer Optimization in SDN Networks
  • Explanation: Over various layers, it deploys SDN to enhance the performance of the network.
  • Main Problems:
  • Transport layer augmentation and application-aware routing techniques.
  • Cross-layer QoS execution.
  • Research Queries:
  • How application-level data be employed to develop routing decisions?
  • What transport layer protocols are effectively capable for SDN networks?
  1. Blockchain-Based Security in SDN Networks
  • Explanation: To improve the security of SDN networks, execute blockchain solutions.
  • Main Problems:
  • Among SDN elements, distribution of reliance management is very crucial.
  • Network traffic logging and secure controller consensus methods.
  • Research Queries:
  • How can blockchain improve controller-to-switch trust management?
  • What blockchain protocols are most appropriate for SDN networks?
  1. SDN and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) Integration
  • Explanation: Regarding the portable and scalable network management, investigate the synthesization of NFV (Network Function Virtualization) and SDN.
  • Main Problems:
  • Dynamic VNF evaluation and service functions aggregation.
  • Effective orchestration is significant for VNFs (Virtual Network Functions).
  • Research Queries:
  • How can VNFs be optimally orchestrated with the help of SDN controllers?
  • What service function chaining techniques are relevant for dynamic scaling?
  1. AI and Machine Learning Applications in SDN
  • Explanation: In order to enhance SDN network management, utilize AI (Artificial Intelligence) and machine learning algorithms.
  • Main Problems:
  • Auto-tuning and self-healing network mechanisms are difficult to handle.
  • Predictive analytics, traffic categorization and outlier identification.
  • Research Queries:
  • How can deep learning models enhance outlier identification in SDN networks?
  • What predictive analytics can assist in dynamic network management?
  1. SDN-Based IoT Networks
  • Explanation: Particularly for IoT networks, model an effective SDN frameworks.
  • Main Problems:
  • The device must be handled in a secure and productive manner.
  • Minimal-latency communication and adaptability is the key concern.
  • Research Queries:
  • How can SDN manage extensive-scale IoT devices with minimal latency?
  • What lightweight security algorithms are adaptable for SDN-based IoT?
  1. Latency-Aware Traffic Engineering in SDN
  • Explanation: Reduce the response time of a network by modeling traffic engineering techniques.
  • Main Problems:
  • Traffic control and minimal-latency paths.
  • Practical latency observation and anticipations are the major problems.
  • Research Queries:
  • What traffic control techniques can reduce network response time?
  • How can realistic latency supervision enhance the path selection?
  1. Intent-Based QoS Management in SDN
  • Explanation: To verify the end-to-end quality of service, design intent-based QoS management techniques.
  • Main Problems:
  • In terms of application demands, effective resource distribution is very crucial.
  • Implementation and intent translation of QoS.
  • Research Queries:
  • How can high-level QoS intents be translated into minimal-level flow rules?
  • What dynamic resource allocation algorithms are adaptable for QoS management?
  1. Federated Learning for SDN-Based Collaborative Networks
  • Explanation: Considering the cooperation among distributed SDN networks, implement federated learning algorithms.
  • Main Problems:
  • Across various regulatory fields, developing collaborative network management might be complicated.
  • It is required to maintain privacy and distributed model training.
  • Research Queries:
  • How the federated learning techniques are being deployed for collaborative outlier detection?
  • What privacy-preserving methods are required for cross-domain cooperation?
  1. Hybrid SDN Networks
  • Explanation: The synthesization of SDN with traditional networking systems is extensively investigated in this research area.
  • Main Problems:
  • Among conventional protocols and OpenFlow, compatibility is the main problem.
  • Application of policies and hybrid network management.
  • Research Queries:
  • How policy coherence is maintained in hybrid SDN networks?
  • What algorithms can promote interoperability among SDN and conventional devices?

How can I simulate an SDN Network comparing its performance with conventional networks?

For the purpose of contrasting the performance of SDN with traditional networks, simulate SDN by considering the following procedures that guides you throughout the process of SDN simulation:

Outline of Methodology

  1. Build Simulators: To assist SDN and conventional network simulation, install Mininet and Ns-3.
  2. Develop Network Topology: For both SDN and conventional networks, develop contrastable network topologies.
  3. Execute Controllers: An SDN controller needs to be selected or executed.
  4. Simulate Traffic: For practical performance examination, formulate traffic.
  5. Gather Metrics: Performance metrics such as packet loss, response time and throughput required to be evaluated and contrasted.

Implementing Mininet

Step 1: Install Mininet

Initially, verify whether Mininet is installed on your system.

Sudo apt-get update

Sudo apt-get install Mininet –y

Step 2: Develop SDN and Conventional Network Topologies

  • SDN Network Topology: In Python, use Mininet to design an SDN network topology.


From import Mininet

From mininet.node import RemoteController, OVSSwitch

From mininet.cli import CLI

From mininet.log import setLogLevel

Def sdn_network ():

    Net = Mininet (controller=RemoteController, switch=OVSSwitch)

   # add controller

    c0 = net.addController (‘c0′, controller=RemoteController, ip=’’, port=6653)

# add switches

s1 = net.addSwitch (‘s1’)

 s2 = net.addSwitch (‘s2’)

s3 = net.addSwitch (‘s3’)

 # add hosts

  h1 = net.addHost (‘h1′, ip=’’)

  h2 = net.addHost (‘h2′, ip=’’)

  h3 = net.addHost (‘h3′, ip=’’)

  h4 = net.addHost (‘h4′, ip=’’)

 # add links

 net.addLink (s1, s2)

net.addLink (s2, s3)

net.addLink (h1, s1)

 net.addLink (h2, s1)

net.addLink (h3, s3)

net.addLink (h4, s3)

 net.start ()

    CLI (net)

    Net. Stop ()

If __name__ == ‘__main__’:

    SetLogLevel (‘info’)

    sdn_network ()

  • Traditional Network Topology: Use Mininet to develop a traditional network topology in Python.


From import Mininet

From mininet.node import Controller

From mininet.cli import CLI

From mininet.log import setLogLevel

Def traditional_network ():

 Net = Mininet (controller=Controller)

# Add default controller

    c0 = net.addController (‘c0’)

 # add switches

  s1 = net.addSwitch (‘s1’)

    s2 = net.addSwitch (‘s2’)

    s3 = net.addSwitch (‘s3’)

  # add hosts

    h1 = net.addHost (‘h1′, ip=’’)

    h2 = net.addHost (‘h2′, ip=’’)

    h3 = net.addHost (‘h3′, ip=’’)

    h4 = net.addHost (‘h4′, ip=’’)

    # add links

    net.addLink (s1, s2)

    net.addLink (s2, s3)

    net.addLink (h1, s1)

    net.addLink (h2, s1)

    net.addLink (h3, s3)

    net.addLink (h4, s3)

net.start ()

    CLI (net)

    Net. Stop ()

If __name__ == ‘__main__’:

    SetLogLevel (‘info’)

    traditional_network ()

Step 3: Execute or Choose an SDN Controller

Instance: Ryu Controller (Simple L2 Switch)

  • Download Ryu:

      Pips install ryu

  • In Python, generate a basic L2 switch application:


From ryu.base import app_manager

From ryu.controller import ofp_event

From ryu.controller.handler import CONFIG_DISPATCHER, MAIN_DISPATCHER, set_ev_cls

From ryu.ofproto import ofproto_v1_3

From ryu.lib.packet import packet

From ryu.lib.packet import Ethernet

Class SimpleSwitch (app_manager.RyuApp):

    OFP_VERSIONS = [ofproto_v1_3.OFP_VERSION]

Def __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs):

Super (SimpleSwitch, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

self.mac_to_port = {}

@set_ev_cls (ofp_event.EventOFPSwitchFeatures, CONFIG_DISPATCHER)

    Def switch_features_handler (self, eV):

        Data path = ev.msg.datapath

  Ofproto = datapath.ofproto

Parser = datapath.ofproto_parser

Match = parser.OFPMatch ()

Actions = [parser.OFPActionOutput (ofproto.OFPP_CONTROLLER, ofproto.OFPCML_NO_BUFFER)]

self.add_flow (data path, 0, match, actions)

Def add_flow (self, data path, priority, match, actions, and buffer_id=none):

        Ofproto = datapath.ofproto

        Parser = datapath.ofproto_parser

        Inst = [parser.OFPInstructionActions (ofproto.OFPIT_APPLY_ACTIONS, actions)]

        If buffer_id:

            Mod = parser.OFPFlowMod (data path=data path, buffer_id=buffer_id, priority=priority, match=match, instructions=inst)


            Mod = parser.OFPFlowMod (datapath=datapath, priority=priority, match=match, instructions=inst)

        datapath.send_msg (mod)

 @set_ev_cls (ofp_event.EventOFPPacketIn, MAIN_DISPATCHER)

    Def packet_in_handler (self, ev):

        Msg = ev.msg

        Datapath = msg.datapath

        Ofproto = datapath.ofproto

        Parser = datapath.ofproto_parser

        in_port = msg.match [‘in_port’]

 Pkt = packet.Packet (

  Eth = pkt.get_protocols (ethernet.ethernet)[0]

DST = eth.dst

 Src = eth.src

Dpid =

 self.mac_to_port.setdefault (dpid, {})

 # Learn a MAC address to avoid flooding next time.

        self.mac_to_port [dpid][src] = in_port

  If DST in self.mac_to_port [dpid]:

            out_port = self.mac_to_port [dpid][dst]


            out_port = ofproto.OFPP_FLOOD

  Actions = [parser.OFPActionOutput (out_port)]

If out_port! = ofproto.OFPP_FLOOD:

Match = parser.OFPMatch (in_port=in_port, eth_dst=DST)

 self.add_flow (datapath, 1, match, actions)

Data = None

 If msg.buffer_id == ofproto.OFP_NO_BUFFER:

Data =

Out = parser.OFPPacketOut (datapath=datapath, buffer_id=msg.buffer_id, in_port=in_port, actions=actions, data=data)

 datapath.send_msg (out)

Start the Ryu controller:


Step 4: Formulate Traffic and Assess Performance

  • Traffic Generation
  • For throughput evaluation, make use of iperf.
  • Regarding the response time and packet loss estimation, deploy ping.

Sample Commands

  • Start iperf Server:
  • Mininet> h1 iperf –s
  • Start iperf Client:
  • Mininet> h2 iperf -c h1
  • Ping Test:
  • Mininet> h1 ping -c 10 h2

Step 5: Gather and Contrast  Performance Metrics

Metrics to Contrast:

  1. Latency:
  • By using ping, latency determines the maximum RTT (Round Trip Time).
  1. Throughput:
  • It uses iperf to depict the bandwidth among hosts.
  1. Packet Loss:
  • From ping findings, it exhibits the percentage of packet loss.
  1. Flow Setup Time (SDN only):
  • In the process of installing flow rules, it determines the time interval.

Analysis and Comparison:

  1. For SDN and traditional networks, latency, packet loss and throughput is evaluated.
  2. Specifically for SDN networks, gather flow setup times.
  3. Use Python libraries like Pandas or matplotlib to plot the output.

Instance of Python Code to illustrate Output:

Import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Example data

sdn_latency = [0.2, 0.3, 0.25, 0.27, 0.22]

trad_latency = [0.15, 0.18, 0.17, 0.16, 0.19]

sdn_throughput = [90, 88, 87, 92, 91]

trad_throughput = [85, 84, 86, 83, 80]

Labels = [‘Test1’, ‘Test2’, ‘Test3’, ‘

Software Defined Networking Research Proposal Topics

Software Defined Networking Research Ideas

Below, we present a compilation of Software Defined Networking (SDN) research ideas that have gained significant traction within the scholarly community. Our aim is not only to provide these ideas but also to introduce innovative and original topics. Feel free to share your requirements with us, and we will be more than happy to provide further tailored assistance.

  1. Design and analysis of techniques for mapping virtual networks to software-defined network substrates
  2. Software-defined networks supporting time-sensitive in-vehicular communication
  3. RESDN: A novel metric and method for energy efficient routing in software defined networks
  4. Statesec: Stateful monitoring for DDoS protection in software defined networks
  5. STCS: Spatial-temporal collaborative sampling in flow-aware software defined networks
  6. A new evaluation criterion for non-orthogonal multiple access in 5G software defined networks
  7. Joint switch upgrade and controller deployment in hybrid software-defined networks
  8. Distb-sdoindustry: Enhancing security in industry 4.0 services based on distributed blockchain through software defined networking-iot enabled architecture
  9. Dynamic load balancing of software-defined networking based on genetic-ant colony optimization
  10. Secure and reliable IoT networks using fog computing with software-defined networking and blockchain
  11. Long short-term memory and fuzzy logic for anomaly detection and mitigation in software-defined network environment
  12. Software-defined networking for Big-Data science-architectural models from campus to the WAN
  13. Dynamic slave controller assignment for enhancing control plane robustness in software-defined networks
  14. Towards blockchain-based software-defined networking: security challenges and solutions
  15. Toward secure software-defined networks against distributed denial of service attack
  16. FADM: DDoS flooding attack detection and mitigation system in software-defined networking
  17. Load-balancing multiple controllers mechanism for software-defined networking
  18. P4-to-blockchain: A secure blockchain-enabled packet parser for software defined networking
  19. Machine learning approach equipped with neighbourhood component analysis for DDoS attack detection in software-defined networking
  20. SUDOI: Software defined networking for ubiquitous data center optical interconnection

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